Monday, 19 January 2009

I wish I couldn't see the irrationality

Logicians have but ill defined
As rational the human kind.
Logic, they say, belongs to man,
But let them prove it if they can.
-- Oliver Goldsmith

I'm sick of trying to speak logic to people... And I've finally realised that the statement "Man is a rational animal" has no basis in fact...

Irrationality is the norm... Game theorists have it right... They define the moves in a game that would be most beneficial to the players... But they don't assume that the players would necessarily play in the most logical, beneficial way... There is in fact, built in to their equations, a large probability that only a small fraction of the population would make moves that are optimal for the situation... and people who ALWAYS do the right thing are unheard of... By and large our notion, that people are rational, is wrong... They are as irrational as Pi...

More importantly... in the real world, not only are people wont to act irrationally, they are also liable to hate you if you point this out to them... or act in what you consider to be a more rational manner...

So basically, you may be right... and may even have demonstrated, without any room for doubt, that you're right... but people will continue to do what they've always done and ignore the new method... WHY?? Because... "I've ALWAYS done it this way!" ... And you can do nothing about that... Except continue to be the idiot who wants to do things differently... or the idiot who'd not mind trying things out... even if they may potentially lead to disaster...

Where, pray tell, is your sense of adventure?? Let go! Have fun!! Go out and DO stuff!!! Even if its crazy... MORE SO if its crazy!! If nothing else, you'll have an awesome story to tell your grandkids!!

Wednesday, 7 January 2009

No It ISN'T!!

Ever been pissed off by Rhetorical questions??? :P

Ever noticed how on people's web profiles they have pics with labels like "that's me... Cute na??" or "that's my Boyfriend/girlfriend.... Isn't he/she hot??" or "isn't my car jus ROCKING???"

Well, no... most of the time the stuff you like is not necessarily stuff I like... so stop asking me with the ASSUMPTION that I will agree with your point of view... More likely than not, when you inquire about the beauty of your significant other, I am going to reply "Well, you know what they say! Beauty is in the eyes of the Beer Holder!" or some such equally insulting thing ("Not enough alcohol in the world!" is one of my favourites... closely followed by "Primates are genetically close to us but not close enough for it to be socially acceptable for you to date one")... Seriously, don't ask me...

So, once and for all, your car is just like any of the other million or so that came out of that production line, your girl/guy looks OK, you were cute JUST before you asked if you were cute or not, and the term 'Rocking' has been abused to death, please stop using it.


P.S: I'm guilty of using rhetorical questions in a singularly annoying manner myself but you must not presume to compare yourselves with me :D